A long week
Things have been a little stressful but God has been so good. Family has had several health issue. Abbie had strep that wouldn't go away with the first batch of antibiotics. My mother's spot of skin cancer on her lip came back and now she is going to have a larger section removed from her lip this week and then plastic surgeon. My pains have been acting up lately but they seem to do that with the weather gets colder. Financially things have been a little tight. I keep looking ahead and can see that soon there will be a time when things are a little better. I want to be a good steward. I am trying to learn how to have self control and pay ahead on bills instead of wasting money on things that will only benefit us temporarily. It is very hard to give into immediate gratification. I do not want riches but it would be nice to have financial stability. I have really enjoyed being in the Discipleship University class on Discipleship. The information we are covering is not diffic...