Friday Letters

Distant... so distant.
Trapped in my own head.
Isolated... so isolated.
Laying alone in my bed.

Dear Hubby,
I am so sorry. I don't know what is going on. I feel so disconnected. So overwhelmed by the day to day of life. Thank you so much for trying to make me happy. How sweet of you to run out just to get me a tea. I don't like feeling like this and hope to be back on my game soon. I just constantly feel exhausted. I wish I could stay in bed for a few days, but I know the world won't stop just because I did. I love you so much and am so thankful for you.

Dear Eb,
Baby, my poor baby. I wish I could take the pain of your teething away. I wish I could make you feel more comfortable. I know that you are trying to communicate as best as you can. I am sorry I can't just hold you while you scream. Please, get some rest and be a strong girl. Please, give mommy a break from the constant crying.

Dear Abbie,
I am sorry I have been so distracted. I have not forgotten about you. Everyone is demanding so much of me and I am so thankful that you are so helpful. I am sorry that I get aggravated so much more easily lately. I love you.

Dear Friday,
Please go quickly. Please provide rain and cooling.

Dear Body,
Please get plenty of rest this weekend. Please, feel rejuvenated for next week.

Dear Satan,
I won't stop praising... Try as you might I will not give you what you want. I will only lean more into God. I hate you. I hate that your schemes distract me from the ones I love.

Dear God,
Please protect me and my family. Help me to be bound even closer to you. Give me the spirit of love, patience, and peace with my family and household. Pull me from this dark cloud and show me your grace. Thank you for being so awesome and for loving me so much.



  1. Aw! I know the pain of a teething baby!! I hope it gets better soon!!!

  2. Sounds like your going through a tough time at the moment. Maybe you need a day for you to have some pampering, get a massage or your hair done, something to make you feel good :)

  3. We are getting rain now and lots of cool weather! hope it comes your way!

  4. i agree with michelle about you needing pampering :)

    come say hi at

    have a great Friday!

  5. It sounds like you are going through a rough patch in your life. I hope that it gets better & in time all things get better in some way or another have faith in that! I know how hard things can be at times! & I feel the pain of the sweet baby teething, I know its rough not just on them but you all as parents too!


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