God is in Control... Even on Election Day

Tomorrow is election day and this comes with great stress and great relief. I don't know who will be placed in authority over what. I don't know who our next president will be, I don't know what laws will be passed, and I don't know which local people will be representing who. The things I do know is that tomorrow there will be a lot of conflict. There will be a lot of fighting and quarreling. Tomorrow will be a day of great stress and concern for many. Tomorrow night will also be a time of great divide in our country when one person will be elected and another will not. One thing I do know for certain is that God knows. Tomorrow nights results will come as no shock to God. I do have a set of political beliefs but I do not openly discuss them, not out of fear of what some may say, but because I believe that my focus should be on unity with my brothers and sisters. I know strong Christians on both sides of the spectrum. I believe that this is their personal choice an...