
Showing posts with the label mom

From One Mother to Another

Tonight my heart is heavy with concerns for mothers who feel insecure, scared, and alone. I don't think that personal struggles are expressed openly in our society and I fear that it is causing more mothers to feel alone in their struggles. For example, postpartum depression is not often talked about amongst friends and yet it supposedly affects 11-20% of mothers. Personally, I wonder if the number would be higher if women did not feel guilt when admitting their struggles.  Let me start by saying that I truly feel that motherhood is an amazing gift from God. I am so blessed to have my children and wouldn't change a thing.  Now that I have said that, I am going to let you in on a dirty little secret. Motherhood is hard... actually it is not just hard. It is physically and emotionally exhausting. It is overwhelming, stressful, tedious, frustrating, painful, and the toughest things I have ever had to do. There are times that I am so overwhelmed that I can't decide whether ...

You know you’re a Mom when…

Mama Kat's weekly writing prompt exercise... I woke up in the middle of the night with the baby screaming. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with her. When I went to pick her up I realized that she was drenched in sweat. I stumbled around for the light switch so I could see better. Why was she sweating so much? Is she sick? I was obviously still half asleep because it took me a minute to realize that I was dripping with sweat also. Yup, the A/C is still broken. I had hoped that they had fixed it but that is clearly not the case. I ran around the house trying to find things to cool her down. Now that she is back asleep I can't fall asleep. Boo!!  Well at least this gives me time to catch up on my blog. I know how you all just can't go on with your day until you are blessed with my writing ( Sarcasm )... lol.  You know you're a Mom when...  You get songs from Nick Jr. stuck in your head... "It's time to eat.. yeah.. yummy yummy.. time to eat... ye...

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 3

Describe your relationship with your parents: Oh how the tides have changed. When I was a little girl I had a bizarre relationship with my parents. I saw my dad as my prince charming and my mom was the evil witch that was trying to steal him from me.  Every week my daddy would take me on a date, the majority of times it was to see Beauty and the Beast. He would teach me how to be a princess and what to expect of my future prince. We were in a Daddy-and-Me club called Indian Princesses. When my dad started working more hours, we didn't have much time to go on our little dates. I thought it was a plot from my mom to keep me from spending time with him. When they would go on a date I would get angry. My mom once asked me how she looked and I told her that she needed to cover up. At one point I even told her, "If daddy met me first he would have married me." I had so much anger and jealousy towards her. Looking back it seems so strange and I completely see her side.  My...