Daily Blog Challenge: Day 25

If you could have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be and what would you eat? I have been thinking about the answer to this question for days. There are so many people I would want to have dinner with and all for such different reason. I would love to have dinner with my grandfather, who passed away seven years ago. I miss the stories he had and the great insight I did not know to appreciate at that time. I would love to have dinner with King David, the author of many of my favorite scriptures. I would love to see how he processed things. I would love to meet him and hear his story of God's love. After speaking to a friend of mine about my predicament, not being able to choose a person, she mentioned to me the person I would definitely choose. If I could have dinner with anyone in history I would eat with Martin Luther King, Jr. I am so thankful for him and all those who have fought for equality and peace. His dream can be seen in the smiles of my da...