
Showing posts with the label challenge

Daily Blog Challenge: Day 30

So we have come down to the final day of the blog challenge and although I have begun the next challenge, I am still slightly sad that this is over. I can't believe that I actually did it though. I followed through and accomplished something. So for the final post on this blog challenge the question is pretty deep.  List 5 things you would hope to be remembered for. 1. Being a godly woman. I just think it would be the most awesome thing to be remembered for. My daughters are the ones I really want to think of me in this way.  2. Being completely real and honest with others. I don't want to be known for having secrets. I don't want all those skeletons to come falling out of my closet as they close the casket. I don't want people to see me as another quote on quote Christian. I want them to see me as someone who has fallen many times but has the grace of God covering all her flaws.  3. As being a good friend. A real true friend who loves you just as you are, bu...

Daily Blog Challenge: Day 29/ Vlog Challenge

What made you start blogging?  What do you think people misundertand most about you?  So today I decided to combine both of these challenging questions because I think one answers the other. 

Daily Blog Challenge: Day 28

What is your love language?  I took the quiz. I didn't actually know what the five love languages were. I took a quiz to find out more. I was shocked at how well it encompasses me. My love languages ranging from the most to the least.  Acts of Service, Words of Affirmation, Physical Touch, Quality Time, Recieving Gifts  I want my hubby to take the same quiz but I can guess what his top two would be. They are most likely Physical touch and Quality time. I am guessing these because those are the two things he often mentions.  So what is acts of service? I would rather my hubby help me clean the house, offer to watch the girls, give me a massage, or cook dinner, than for him to buy me something or even watch a movie together. I feel loved through simple acts and effort.  I think it is more important to know what the love language of your spouse is than to know your own. I make the effort to meet my spouses love language. I know that by just sitting next t...

Daily Blog Challenge: Day 27

What is your favorite part of your body and why? Betty and Sally are sisters. They love to hang around. Sally gets really annoyed at all the attention that her sister gets, even though her sister is a little bigger than her. They both worked so hard to provide for Elizabeth but were replaced after just a few months. They refuse to be apart and are very social. I usually get embarrassed of their outgoing personalities and I try to keep them away from people. It seems at random times they pop up for a little visit, so I have them go home. Betty and Sally are sisters, and they are my favorite sisters. What is your favorite part of you body?

Daily Blog Challenge: Day 26

What popular notion do you think the world has most wrong? I think that the world, consisting of people, assumes that it is all about them. They start to see things that are focused on what they need and feel they have a right to. What will make them happy.  The fact is that nothing, but God, can fill the void in a person. No amount of food, sex, or drugs can make a person feel satisfied. I think that even as Christians, we can turn to things to fill the gaps instead of seeking closeness to God. 

Daily Blog Challenge: Day 25

If you could have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be and what would you eat? I have been thinking about the answer to this question for days. There are so many people I would want to have dinner with and all for such different reason.  I would love to have dinner with my grandfather, who passed away seven years ago. I miss the stories he had and the great insight I did not know to appreciate at that time.  I would love to have dinner with King David, the author of many of my favorite scriptures. I would love to see how he processed things. I would love to meet him and hear his story of God's love.  After speaking to a friend of mine about my predicament, not being able to choose a person, she mentioned to me the person I would definitely choose. If I could have dinner with anyone in history I would eat with Martin Luther King, Jr. I am so thankful for him and all those who have fought for equality and peace. His dream can be seen in the smiles of my da...

Daily Blog Challenge: Day 22

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years? This one is kinda tough for me. I am not sure how into it I will go. My life has never gone the way I thought it would. This is not a bad thing, it is actually quite the opposite. For example, I am going to flip this around. 15 yrs ago I was 12. I remember feeling so proud to be a "preteen" and thinking I was so grown. I was sure that I would be a massage therapist. I wanted to also be a singer to raise money for my Special Education class. I had thought that I would be living back in Ohio.  This was before I began having my chronic pains through out my body. 10 years ago I was 17. I had thought that I would have gone far away to college. I wanted to be a sign interpreter for a Christian school. I loved kids but had no direct interest in having any. I also didn't want any man to tell me what to do or to hold me down.  This was before I met my now hubby and just two year prior to becoming pregnant.  ...

Daily Blog Challenge: Day 21

If you could have one superpower, what would it be and what would you do with it first? I would choose healing touch. I think of how differently my life would be if I would have been able to heal myself of the chronic pains that began in sixth grade (I can't believe it has been 15 years) and of the athletic asthma. Would I have been more physically active? Would I have been a massage therapist? Would I have been able to do my daughters hair the way she wishes? Would I be in a better mood towards my family? So many questions.  Who else would I heal? I would probably heal my children when they are hurt. But don't all mommies have that power already?  Though I said that I would have chosen the power of healing, now thinking about it I wouldn't. God has used my struggles with health and has pulled me closer to Him. If having better health would mean sacrificing the closeness I have with the Lord, from trusting Him to help me with my daily struggles, I wouldn't want it...

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 20

Describe 3 significant memories from your childhood. The splintered wooden tablet: She sat in the chair to the right of the television. Her strong spirit in a frail body. She called me over to her. I would sit by her side and watch her play solitaire on the coarse wood board embroidered with splinters. Her deck of cards sat beside her on the table until she wanted to play their worn faces. I would sit and play with her translucent skin. Moving it about, back and forth over her veins, using a finger. My Great Grandma would smile and then reciprocate by looking at my young flexible skin. Her dark black hair lay neatly on the top of her head. As the years passed so went her memory, but her ageless beauty stood strong.  The Orange Crackers: When he, my Uncle Jerry, would show up at my Grandpa's home I knew that he had a hidden surprise awaiting me in the shirt pocket of his cotton collared shirt. He would smile as he pulled out three packs of orange crackers. They were the cheese c...

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 11

Describe  10  5 pet peeves you have: 1. The sound and feel of Styrofoam. I consider Styrofoam to be my Kryptonite. It makes this sound that gives me chills.  2. Lies. I hate it when someone, especially my child lies to me. Most of the time I can tell that she is lying and I don't like people treating me like I am an idiot. I am also a pretty forgiving and loving person. I tell Abbie that she will get in much less trouble if she tells me the truth. I might still get mad but not nearly as much as when she lies.  3. People who don't have phone etiquette. Talking on the phone in a public restroom or talking to me on the phone when they are in any bathroom. Children interrupting and trying to ask me things when I am on the phone. Opening and ending conversations without any greeting or warning. Answering the phone and texting while driving. Talking on their phone or texting when you are in the middle of a conversation with them. I don't have an issue with ...

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 10

Describe your most embarrassing moment. The year was 1994. I was in the third grade and feeling so grown. There sitting across the room was a cute and quiet boy named Adam. I had a secret crush on him for years. I would draw hearts around his yearbook page.  One day during computer lab I was so elated to find out that the boy of my dreams was going to be my computer partner. I thought it was my big day. This would surely be the day that he would fall in love with me. We were sitting only inches from each other. I went to scratch my head and felt something in my hair. I pulled on it and suddenly heard a girlish squeal followed by a disgusted yell. It was a tick... I had thrown a tick onto my crush.  He went to tell the teacher who sent us to the nurses office. I felt like I was going to die. The nurse had to check both of us for ticks. For the next several years he would call me Tick Girl.  Sadly, Brad Paisley had not come out with his hit, "Ticks."  ...

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 5

What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now? I view happiness as fleeting and temporary. Based on that... 1. A house clean... Cleaning is very overwhelming. I am not by nature the most clean and organized person. I fight  to become clean and organized,  with every fiber of my being. I am sure that having ADHD doesn't assist with my struggle. So the feeling of having a clean and organized home makes me happy. I feel a little proud of accomplishing everything. It is a fleeting feeling though, because as soon as my family needs to eat, bathe, or just live the house goes right back to the mess it originally was.  2. Sisterly love... Seeing my older daughter, Abbie, sitting with her baby sister in her lap while talking and playing. With all the jealousy and general tears that life brings, it is only occasional that they are both in a good mood and playing together.  3. My Frankie... There is something about Frank Sinatras voice and about that gen...

30 Day Blog Challenge/ Day 1

My blogging  friend  posted a blog where she is doing a 30 day blog challenge. I decided to try it out.  1. List  10 random facts about yourself. 2. Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears. 3. Describe your relationship with your parents. 4. List  10  5 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could. 5. What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now? 6. What is the hardest thing you have ever experienced? 7. What is your dream job, and why? 8. What are 5 passions you have? 9. List  10  3 people who have influenced you and describe how. 10. Describe your most embarrasing moment. 11. Describe  10  5 pet peeves you have. 12. Describe a typical day in your current life. 13. Describe 5 weaknesses you have. 14. Describe 5 strengths you have. 15. If you were an animal, what would you be and why? 16. What are your 5 greatest accomplishments? 17. What ...