Daily Blog Challenge: Day 22
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years?
This one is kinda tough for me. I am not sure how into it I will go. My life has never gone the way I thought it would. This is not a bad thing, it is actually quite the opposite. For example, I am going to flip this around.
15 yrs ago I was 12. I remember feeling so proud to be a "preteen" and thinking I was so grown. I was sure that I would be a massage therapist. I wanted to also be a singer to raise money for my Special Education class. I had thought that I would be living back in Ohio.
This was before I began having my chronic pains through out my body.
10 years ago I was 17. I had thought that I would have gone far away to college. I wanted to be a sign interpreter for a Christian school. I loved kids but had no direct interest in having any. I also didn't want any man to tell me what to do or to hold me down.
This was before I met my now hubby and just two year prior to becoming pregnant.
This was just six months before we got help and began to heal our relationship.
I would have never guessed that I am where I am today. I learned to have small goals and large ones that God gives me but obviously I have to be flexible in my plans. In 5, 10, and 15 years I see myself still growing in my walk with the Lord. I see myself maybe having one more child, if God blesses me so. I pray to be actively involved in a ministry that reaches out to women and young ladies that experience things that I have experienced.
Where do you see yourself? Are you on the same track as you had thought 5,10, or 15 years ago?
Where do you see yourself? Are you on the same track as you had thought 5,10, or 15 years ago?
That is a tough question. I never thought I'd go through the things I have, that's for sure. Where do I see myself? Not sure about the time frame but I see myself actively involved in helping broken people and marriages, with my husband by my side. So he'd better not die!