Rehabilitation Exercises

Within days of having had open heart surgery, patients are encouraged to walk around the hospital as a form of exercise. Why does the heart need exercise so soon? Is it all the way healed already? 

The reason I bring this up is because I am learning that there is not much difference between the way you treat a physical injury and an emotional one. Both can take sometime to heal. Both may need intervention from someone trained in the relating field. And both can affect your everyday activities. I find myself asking, "how long do I heal before I begin to exercise love and acceptance again? Am I ready?" 

The heart needs to exercise soon after an injury for a few reasons. It helps the doctors see if the heart is working correctly after the surgery. It is important to have a blood flow to the area to increase the speed of healing. It is also important to make sure the body doesn't atrophy.  The heart is not healed all the way, but slowly getting into a exercise program that is monitored by a doctor can ensure a faster healing.

When someone becomes emotionally wounded it is very natural for them to take some time to heal. Unfortunately, they can become comfort with their isolation and actually end up slowing down their healing. Their emotional connection can atrophy and they can be left not knowing how to trust and grow in other areas of their life. 

So in knowing if it is too soon to be rehabilitating my emotional wounds, I need to ask myself a few questions.
1. Would the doctor say it was safe? The doctor looks to see if there is any risk of immediate harm and if my heart could handle it. My answer: In this case I am in no risk of harm, there might be some difficulty getting back to what seemed normal and natural but it will come with time. Yes, my heart can handle it. 

2. Do I have realistic expectations about my recovery? I think my expectations are pretty realistic but I need to make sure I don't push myself to recover too quickly. 

3. How will I monitor and know when I can increase the rehabilitation? I will use scripture, the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, and my comfort level. Doctors often tell you to listen to your body, if you think you are over doing it don't push yourself too much. 

It is time for me to open up my heart again and begin a new level of healing. I am cautiously excited at what God can and will do. 

Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
    in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight."

Psalm 147:3  "He heals the brokenhearted 
    and binds up their wounds."

1 Corinthians 13:7 "It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."

Matthew 5:48 "Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect."


  1. This post brought me to tears. I have always been struck by your wisdom at such a young age. I'm glad that you are writing as you process wounds and that you are even open to healing. Most people would not spend this kind of time evaluating that and I really respect that about you. Funny...I wrote something not-quite-so-similar-but-I-think-along-the-same-lines yesterday afternoon as well. Thanks for sharing your heart, even if it is little by little. I think following God's leading and backing off if it is what feels necessary is a good idea. Again, I just really appreciate your honesty and you openness, and your willingness to take a step forward towards healing emotional wounds, and approaching it from an analytical and spiritual viewpoint.
    Here is a link to my post from yesterday.

  2. Faith, I am praying for your emotional healing :-)


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