30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 9

List 3 people who have influenced you and describe how.

Pastor Don Sharp- He taught me so much and helped me to open up spiritually. Before I met him I would just listen and take in what a pastor said. P. Don, as I call him, taught me how to respectfully discuss, disagree, and challenge spiritual leaders. We would spend hours discussing and giving our different interpretations of scripture. I have learned how to get the real meat of the scripture. How to look at scriptures from all different angels. When I began doing this I began growing spiritually. I still love to sit in a room of leaders and pastors and discuss things. I love to give my insight and I absorb so much of what they say. By questioning and debating them in a respectful way, I am still able to submit and honor them. P. Don also had this amazing gift of loving people right where they are and still pushing them to grow. He would often put me outside of my comfort zone and would see how I would respond. 

Señora Boulanger- She was my spanish teacher in high school. When I was a student in her class, I was struggling with reading comprehension. She was the first teacher to reach out to me and offer me hope. It was because of her, I spoke to my parents and ended up getting tested at Sylvan. She taught me tricks to help me read better and never once made me feel dumb. Señora Boulanger is one of the biggest influences on me going to school for teaching.

King David- I love the book of Psalms. I find such a connection and an appreciation for Davids writings and prayers. When ever things are going difficult, David tells God. He doesn't try to hide his anger, sadness, and hurt but he does always praise God knowing that God is in ultimate control. I try to live that way. I will pray and tell God that the situation sucks but I make sure I praise God, because who am I to question the potter? I can see why some would say that David was Bipolar and I wonder if that might also be part of my understanding David's position. I also love the connection and the relationship God has with David. Lord knows David is not perfect. David sinned. It is a great example of God's love. I am not perfect. I sin. I question God. I choose to trust God and will praise Him in the toughest times. 

Acts 13:22 "After removing Saul, he made David their king. God testified concerning him: ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.'" 


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