My Father Always Said...

One of Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop prompts was to s hare a lesson you learned from your Father that still sticks with you to this day. As soon as I saw this I knew exactly what to post. My father used to always quote one particular poem. One year he gave me and siblings picture frames that contained the poem. I kept it on my dresser for years reading it repeatedly, and now I have it displayed in my home. He told me this combined with one other quote... "Everything's Negotiable." His words had a great impact on my life. I learned to expect the most out of myself. I expect the most out of jobs. I expect the most out of people. But I think the biggest example of it's impact is with my daughters. I set the bar high for my daughters. I expect them to work hard, to be obedient, and for them to be self-controlled. They have always exceeded my expectations. Of course, if they don't meet the bar I am still proud of them. I think as a society w...