I Have Been Betrayed
On Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop, there are many writing prompts that are listed each day. One that really spoke to me was as follows: Write a poem that about a time you felt betrayed.

Merriam Webster Dictionary defines "betray" as
Although it may sound a little crazy I feel that I have betrayed myself for several years, through my lack of action towards improving my health and taking control of my weight issue. I lead myself astray by ignoring the issue and by providing junk food. I delivered myself into the devils arms through believing and repeating his lies and by giving into temptations. I also deserted the younger version of myself, when I began to use food as a way to comfort myself. There were plenty of times that I could have taken the time and effort to discover what part of me was hurting and calling out for help through the use of food. I am hoping and praying that I can turn this around. I want to claim the victory God has for me. Not necessarily the victory of weight loss but in improving my self-control and by making healthy decisions for my family and myself.
Merriam Webster Dictionary defines "betray" as
to lead astray; especially : seduce
to deliver to an enemy by treachery
to fail or desert especially in time of need
Although it may sound a little crazy I feel that I have betrayed myself for several years, through my lack of action towards improving my health and taking control of my weight issue. I lead myself astray by ignoring the issue and by providing junk food. I delivered myself into the devils arms through believing and repeating his lies and by giving into temptations. I also deserted the younger version of myself, when I began to use food as a way to comfort myself. There were plenty of times that I could have taken the time and effort to discover what part of me was hurting and calling out for help through the use of food. I am hoping and praying that I can turn this around. I want to claim the victory God has for me. Not necessarily the victory of weight loss but in improving my self-control and by making healthy decisions for my family and myself.
How could witness my imprisonment?
I have been a prisoner of your choices for years.
How could you sit and believe the lies?
The lies that are written inside of the mirrors.
I called out, called out to be saved.
But instead you choose the foods you craved.
I was hurting and you would only ignore.
How did you not see the pain I tried to hide?
The pain I bandaged with food and junk.
And now here I am, imprisoned deep inside.
There I screamed, my voice upraised,
But you just choose your lazy ways.
Today I checked out a book, from the library, called "Body Clutter: Love your body, love yourself." It is written by the FlyLady. She has some great questions listed for the missions.
First days questions:
Look back for your first memory of comfort food. Is it a certain food or any food?
Popcorn and Ice-cream were my go to foods. I would sit in front of the television and eat them.
What is your favorite food when you need comforting?
Popcorn and sometimes Ice-cream.
Now, can you look back in your past to figure out why you love it so much?
When I was stressed or bored it was a quick fix. I felt like I could find what I needed at the bottom of the container and I would search and search.
Write down your first memory of using food to comfort yourself and what was happening to you and how you felt at the time.
I don't remember my first memory of using those foods but I do remember feeling lonely. These were the times my depression first began to flair up. I felt fat, even though at the time I was not at all overweight. I gained almost a hundred pounds in one year. I felt this pulling or this drive to eat.
I think I still need to dig deeper and see why that sadness was there. I am excited to see what will come of this new kick. I fear that it won't last but I need to give myself a break. I can't set myself up for defeat before it is necessary. Even if I don't end up sticking to it.. eating better for a day or two is better than not at all. Recently, I began WW and exercising more more than ever before.
Do you feel like you have betrayed yourself in any area? What is your comfort food?
Hi Faith,
ReplyDeleteI chose this prompt too. You are a brave woman to write about yourself so honestly. I applaud your courage.
Warm Regards,
Brea x x x
Visiting from Mama Kats
Stopping by from Mama Kats...
ReplyDeleteI believe this hits home with anyone who is struggling with maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Wishing you the best of skill in overcoming your imprisonment.
Very interesting...I've never really stopped to think about why I eat the things I eat, but I have noticed lately that I've definitely been eating out of boredom. I'm working towards a healthier lifestyle as well, so thank you for sharing your heart with us!
ReplyDeleteComing via MamaKat--as a former "starver" I had the opposite problem. It was really interesting to hear the flip side.