Adjusting and Dating again

We aren't quite ready adjust to me being home yet. The old boss seems to find new things for me to do but Alvin is working fulltime and the times I have to work we are both getting paid and we are allowed to have EB with us. Tomorrow is hopefully the last day that I need to go and work. Then we can get a schedule down. The house is looking so much better, EB is being fed so much better, and things to be so much more peaceful. Abbie has two more weeks of school and then I will be watching her and a couple of her friends. 

 So you might be saying, "Whaatttt? Who is dating?" Alvin and I have been meeting couples to find that perfect couple or two that we will get along with one on one, as a couple, and as a family. We each have a couple really good friends but it is so important to have friends in common. I call it dating because the first time hanging out is always makes me feel a little nervous. If it is nice it can be uncomfortable knowing how soon is too soon to call the couple. We have met this one really nice couple. They have a six year old son. The guy was working with me and is now working with Alvin. We all seem to mesh really well. 

We also have a second couple that is great. We get along with them so well but they don't have any kids so poor Abbie gets left out. I even feel like we are cheating on one couple with another.

I can feel the Devil attacking us. There haven't been any direct hits recently but I can tell that I need to put on the full armor. I have been reminding Alvin and Abbie to be on guard.


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