Liebster Award

Liebster Award... what the heck is that? I received a nomination from Shanita and one from Angela recently. So I decided to kind of look into it. It stands for Liebster is German for Favorite, so it is an award for favorite blogs. It is for bloggers that have less than 200 readers. It is like a getting to know you blog. 
The steps are as follows: 
1. State 11 random facts about yourself
2. Answer the 11 questions that the person who nominated you posted. 
3. Make 11 question for other to answer.
4. Tag 11 bloggers that have less than 200 readers and notify them that you have chosen them. 
5. No tag backs....

I appreciate the honor of being nominated so I will play along. 
Random facts about Faith:
1. When my mom was pregnant with me she had a dream where God came to her and told her that if she has a girl she needs to name the baby Faith. She said she would if my father agreed. My dad was sure he was going to have a third son, so he agreed. When my mom had me he tried to take it back and make Faith my middle name but my mom reminded him of his promise. So basically, God named me Faith. My name is a constant reminder to me to have faith. 

2. I have always loved brussels sprouts, asparagus, artichoke, and broccoli, but for some strange my mom would always make peas or lima beans... both of which I hate. 

3. I have never broken any bones. 

4. The second time I saw my now hubby I knew I was going to marry him, even though we both hated each other. 

5. I am afraid of riding on escalators and of things touching my neck. 

6. I spent a few months living in a residential facility my senior year of high school. 

7. I used to have a crush on Robin Williams and on Bill Cosby. 

8. I wrote a couple books when I was a teen but then burned them when I was depressed. Now, my hubby keeps copies of all my writings. 

9. I love dancing in the rain. I feel like I can breathe in water. 

10. I laugh when I am nervous, anxious, and in pain. I think it is part to having big brothers. Can't let them see you crying. 

11. I have blocked out major parts of my memory. I will have people from certain years come up and talk to me and I have no idea who they are. 

Questions for my nominees:
1.  Fav hair product
It would have to be a tie for Head and Shoulders--- their new scents are so much better--- and rubber bands.
2.  Most embarrassing moment
Probably accidentally pooping on myself at my mother in laws. To read more on my most embarrassing moment click here and my second most embarrassing is here
3.  Fav Christmas tradition
Every Thanksgiving my mom gives us our first Christmas gift. It is always holiday socks. She says it is stupid to give the holiday decorated things on that day because they only get worn for one day.. this way we have an entire month to wear our socks that are decorated with penguins with little Santa hats. 
4.  Go to breakfast meal
I am so bad a remembering to eat breakfast. My normal go to breakfast item is a slim fast bar. 
5.  Inspiring quotation
Many people know Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. " It is a truly great scripture and is uplifting... but one of my favorites would have to be just a couple verses prior.  Romans 8:26-27 "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God." Sometimes I hurt so bad that no words uttered can captures the full extent of what I feel. I love that it says the Spirit intercedes through wordless groans. He groans for me.
6.  Something unexpected that you have discovered about blogging
It has been a huge key in processing feelings and thoughts. It has actually helped my relationship with God because I am able to process what I am learning, I am able to look back and see what God has done, I am able to ask for prayers, and I am able to sing His praises.
7.  Something you just realized or learned that you probably should have known
How to pray with boldness... I am actually still learning it. 
8.  Comfort food
Popcorn and Rocky Road Ice Cream 
9.  Book recommendations
Christian Heroes: George Muller.. this was the book I was reading for my daughters homeschooling and it inspired, convicted, and taught me about prayer and faith. I wrote a guest post about it here
10.  Greatest compliment that you have ever received
The greatest compliment I have ever received would have to be when God puts women in my path to talk to and share what God has done for me. I say it is a compliment because He is trusting me to follow His will and to have the honor to help others. God does all the work and I just get to be His vessel. I get to see God moving in the other persons life and it think it is the coolest thing to see. 
11.  Morning Person or night Owl?

Questions for my nominees: 
1. What is a band that you secretly like? 
2. How many times do you think is acceptable to wear jeans before washing and why? 
3. Who was your role model growing up? 
4. What moment most shaped you as the person you are today?
5. If you could change how people perceive you, what would you change? 
6. Who is or was your celebrity crush?
7. Would you rather have money, power, popularity, or one true love? 
8. If you had one word to describe yourself what would it be? Why?
9. What one chore do you despise most?
10. Would you consider yourself successful in life? Why/why not?
11. What is your quiet place? Share a picture. 

I nominate:


  1. Loved reading about your most embarrassing moments. Thanks for sharing.


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