Friday Letters

Dear Friday,
Where did you come from? I guess it must have been Halloween that threw me off. Although it doesn't feel like a weekend... I am sure glad that you are here.

Dear Manager Who is Interviewing Me At Noon,
You make me nervous. I get that anxious and inadequate feeling when thinking about how the interview will go. I don't know why I am nervous. I am more than qualified and if I don't get the job I would honestly be ok with that. So, today I have decided to not allow you to scare me. The God in me is bigger than the job there, I will have to trust Him to provide.

Dear Girls,
I will miss you this weekend. I don't know how long it has been since I have been child free for a whole weekend... Anyway, I love you both and will be missing you.  BTW... I really don't mind if you get sugar highs at Grandma's house, so feel free to take all your candy with you... better her than me, better her than me.

Dear Ibuprofen,
Please work.

Dear Kitchen,
Today is going to be a really crazy day for me, so if you would like, please clean yourself today. Seriously, if were to become a magic self cleaning kitchen today is the best day.

Dear Halloween Candy,
Stop Calling My Name!!! I have been trying so hard to be healthier and you just sit there mocking me. You suck.

Dear Hubby,
I am so excited about the marriage retreat this weekend. I love you so much. I am hoping that it doesn't start any fights and that we can just relax and bask in the love we have for each other. BTW... this is a perfect opportunity to earn those extra much needed brownie points... so, this is the time to act like one of those guys on chick flicks and say all the cheesy lines to me.

Dear God,
You are so awesome. Thank you so much for all you have done for us. Thank you for opening the doors that need to be opened and for helping us walk through them. Thank you for being bigger than the things that scare us. Thank you for loving me. Please help me learn to be a better wife this weekend and please keep the girls safe.


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