Friday Letters

Dear God, 
I know that I usually end my letters with a note to you, but today I wanted to start with your letter because it is all I can think about. You are just so cool. I am always in awe of just how great and loving you are. Thank you. Thank you for blessing me with an amazing husband. Thank you for blessing me with two beautiful loving daughters. Thank you for this beautiful day. Thank you for answering my prayers little and big. Thank you for always comforting me and not letting me stay lost in my little world of stress and self-pity. Thank you for opening my eyes to all that you have done, are doing, and are about to do. Thank you for giving me an avenue that I can communicate my thoughts and feelings. Thank you for all the provisions you have made for me. Mostly, thank you for not giving up on me. There were so many times that I give up on myself and yet you were always right beside me. 

Dear Elizabeth, 
I think it is adorable that you are so loving towards other babies. You are only one and yet you treat them like they are delicate. For example, today in the store you saw another one year old and you were talking to her. You gave her a hug and you accidentally made her fall. You were so concerned about her and tried to make her feel better. You are a very sweet baby girl. 
Playing with paint in the tub

Dear Abigaile,
Where are you hearing all these songs from? When your father was going through a music list with all new songs that he had never heard you sang the lyrics to each song.. They are pop songs and all I let you listen to is worship music. We don't have cable and you are home schooled. So for the life of me I can not figure our how you know all of the songs. None of them were inappropriate, but still... I think I know the perfect word for my feeling.. I was baffled.
Abbie got more paint on her sister than on the tub or herself

Dear Hubby,
I love you. You are so great. Thank you for being my other half. 

Dear New Work Shoes,
Please don't hurt my feet tomorrow. You seemed comfortable when I bought you but the true test will be tomorrow after work. 

Dear Self, 
Please remember to bring the Imodium and the Tums to tomorrow nights Chili Night... really don't want a repeat of last year. 

Dear Readers,
You have no idea how much it means to me that you take the time to read what I have written. It is so amazing and I am so thankful. I have the most supportive friends and readers. I love you all so very much. 

Dear November Friday,
This was awesome. I can't believe that in the midwest there is a high of 70 degrees. This is perfect for getting much needed stuff done before the cold hits. I already cleaned out the car and took the girls to the park. 
The view from my front door... Sun is bright and warm :)


  1. It's gorgeous outside. Sucks to be inside working on a day like this...I like the new layout. Also, God is good. :)

  2. I am loving the idea of your note to God. Thanks for being so open to share. I really appreciate you stopping by my blog and connecting to me. I am looking forward to learn more about you through your blog:)



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