
Amy had two best friends. She was extremely close to both of her friends and she wouldn't dare to choose one over the other. Both of her friends were selected to represent their school in a statewide spelling bee. She helped both of her friends to study and to practice. She encouraged both friends to continue working hard. As they competed against the other schools they were successful at taking down the competition. One by one, the other schools were knocked out of the running until only Amy's two friends stood standing. Amy was so excited for her friends until suddenly a knot grew in her stomach at the realization that her friends were competing against each other. The next day as she was sitting in the auditorium she watched on in a nervous silence. When one of the friends beat the other and became state wide champion she was put in an uncomfortable position. How could she be a good friend to both girls at the same time? She had to  find a way to celebrate one of her friend's achievement and still mourn for her other friend's loss.

Recently, I have begun to feel like Amy. I want so bad to be a good friend and yet I don't know how to. What I do know is that I cannot just hide from my friends in hopes of not causing any issues. I know that there has to be some way to balance two friendships with tension between the others.All I can do is to love each individual. 


  1. :( All I can do is pray. For everyone involved.

    1. Both friends have the right to feel the way they do, just trying to be the best friend possible to each one. :)


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