Friday Letters
Dear Friday,
This week has been amazing. I am glad you are here and feel like time will go much faster.
Dear Abbie,
I am so proud of you. You have done amazing at school this week. I had so much fun homeschooling. I don't know why I was so nervous. You are an amazing big sister. I love watching you cuddle with Elizabeth. She is so lucky to have you.
Dear Weather,
Wow... all I can say is thank you. It has been so much nicer outside. It gets warm but I can't complain about it. I was told that we were done with the triple digits.
Dear Sonlight Curriculum,
You are amazing. It is so complete and well organized. I am also glad that you discuss God in each subject.
Dear House,
I told you I would take care of you. I have kept you in order for a couple weeks now. I still need to attack the basement but still I am so proud to show you off now.
Dear Eb,
I think it is so sweet that you are starting to say "Thank you" and "Bless you" to me. You have been learning so much.
Dear Hubby,
Happy Birthday. I know this is a few days short but I love you so much. I can't believe that in a week we would have been married for eight years. I am hoping that this is the real start to an amazing lifelong friendship and love.
Dear God,
You are so good. Thank you for all you have done. Thank you for molding us into the people you knw owe can be.
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