Friday Letters

Dear Summer,
While I enjoyed the time, I am so glad that you are over. The faster you left the sooner we can get back to my favorite weather, anything not hot.  Thank you for going quickly.

Dear Jenaye and David,
I had so much fun watching you guys this summer. You are both so well behaved. I feel like I have adopted another daughter and son. I hope that we get to spend more time together. I am so proud of you both and know that you will do great in school this year.

Dear House,
I told you I would work on you. Don't you feel so much better now that you are nice and clean? I know that I will have to keep up the cleaning but I am up for the task.

Dear Abbie,
I am so excited about starting homeschool on Monday. I know that you can focus and work and will learn so much. I am excited about all the time we get to spend together. I love you.

Dear Eb,
How was your first week as a one year old? I hope you enjoy your party tomorrow. As for these little fits, you can stop them.

Dear Possible Future Child,
We don't know if and when you will be here. We don't know if you will even exist. But if you do we already love you, and the thought of you.

Dear Paycheck,
Please be enough to cover all the bills and maybe a little extra to cover the cost of some food for the party and for next week.

Dear self,
Please find the motivation to go and exercise.

Dear Hubby,
This was a good week. Thank you for all the encouragement. I have enjoyed our nightly devotions. I know that Abbie loved her time with you watching the Olympics.

Dear Boy Meets World,
You are as entertaining as you were as a child. tee her... So funny. The funniest thing is that I am more focused on the parents' story lines than the kids... times have changed.

Dear God,
You are awesome. Thank you so much for all the details you put into creating us and everything around us. Thank you for sending Jesus for us. 

Dear Readers, 
I had to add something hilarious. My husband shared this commercial with me the other day and it was HILARIOUS!!! I am allergic to tomatoes and yet this commercial makes me want to buy a bunch of Ragu sauce. Enjoy and thank you for reading my blog. 



  1. SO glad its cooling down too!

    Have a great weekend!! Stop by and say hi!

  2. Funny video! I'm thankful for the cooler temperatures too. I loved your "anything not hot" line!


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