

Grief is a very powerful thing. It can overtake you and pull you down to a place you haven't been before. I have had depression before but the depression that comes with grief is so strong. It sneaks up on you when you think that you are doing better. God does offer comfort and turning it over to Him alone will bring me through it.  Yesterday I saw a post from one of my friends. She had lost a dear friend and was saddened by it. Before seeing the post I had thought that I was to the point of acceptance but just as a stone when it is turned over, all the feelings came crawling to the surface again.  I have recently lost a dear friend of mine. She was not only my friend I saw her as a sister, a mentor, and as someone who actually understood many of my personal struggles. It seems like everything makes me think of her. I didn't even realize before how well I really knew her, or really what she allowed me to know of her. Things that I once enjoyed now just seem too painful...

Mini Cakes in Baby Food Jars

I was trying to think of what to do with all of the baby food jars I have sitting around. I decided to try to use them for making mini cakes. Firstly,  I choose a basic box mix and made the mix... Secondly, I took the clean baby food jars and sprayed them down with Pam and whipped them down. Leave them on a cookie sheet.  Thirdly, I filled them up 2/3rds of the way.. I would suggest trying it only half way because some of them overflowed. Fourthly, cook them as instructed but keeping an eye on them and checking them with a toothpick. When they are done and have cooled down a little cut the tops off of them.  Fifthly, melt frosting in the microwave for a minute or two.   Fill them with a little of the frosting.  Then, pour a little frosting on top and cap off with the jar top. If they are still a little warm it will make a good seal on it when it cools down.   Finally, create a label to celebrate. I would suggest just using W...

The Dangers of Secrets

Secrets are very dangerous. Often as Christians we hide our weaknesses from each other. We fear being vulnerable and being judged.  Secrets isolate us from others which the devil then uses the isolation to attack us.  1 Peter 5:8  Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the  devil   prowls  around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. How do lions hunt. They prey on the weaker and smaller animal that they are able to isolate from the herd.  In the same way he uses the isolation to create a bigger divide. He spews lies at us that usually play off of the secrets and insecurities.  John 8:44  You belong to your  father , the devil, and you want to carry out your  father ’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he  lies , he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the  father   of   lies .  There are two ways we ca...


Merriam-Webster defines a scar as: 1: a mark left (as in the skin) by the healing of injured tissue 2: a lasting emotional injury  I had spent so many years hiding my scars. Trying to not allow anyone to see them or know that they exist. My scars were embarrassing and would bring me back to the emotional state I was in at the time of receiving them. Almost all of my scars were a direct result of my rebellion and lostness before finding God and placing him as my healer, savior, and my father. Recently I have found that as I grow closer to God, I am able to show my scars. God has taken them and has shown others, with similar scars, love and healing. Instead of feeling embarrassed I feel humbled by how great God is to take me from my broken self to who He wants me to be. I am sure I still have a long way and more scars that will occur but I know that I am cared for. The potter knows how I need to be broken so that He can chip away my impurities to create a vessel that can bring H...

Adjusting and Dating again

We aren't quite ready adjust to me being home yet. The old boss seems to find new things for me to do but Alvin is working fulltime and the times I have to work we are both getting paid and we are allowed to have EB with us. Tomorrow is hopefully the last day that I need to go and work. Then we can get a schedule down. The house is looking so much better, EB is being fed so much better, and things to be so much more peaceful. Abbie has two more weeks of school and then I will be watching her and a couple of her friends.   So you might be saying, "Whaatttt? Who is dating?" Alvin and I have been meeting couples to find that perfect couple or two that we will get along with one on one, as a couple, and as a family. We each have a couple really good friends but it is so important to have friends in common. I call it dating because the first time hanging out is always makes me feel a little nervous. If it is nice it can be uncomfortable knowing how soon is too soon to call t...

Lack of Unity in Today's World

In the world today there is a lot of division, which I find very sad. Why is it so hard to find, create, and maintain unity? One would think that unity would be easier among people of like backgrounds but sadly that to is false.  There are many examples of this.  I have a hard time grasping why as women we argue and disrespect each other. The disrespect between females. It is difficult enough to to be a mom, a wife, and a mother; so why do we make it more difficult? It seems like like we find it easy to talk bad about others who do things differently than us. Many working moms say that SAHMs (Stay At Home Mom) are lazy or are less focused. Many SAHMs say that working Mom's aren't spending enough time with their kids. There are some women who take a man from his wife. (I am not saying that the man has no fault in it but this is about a women's role in it.)   The disrespect within marriages. There is a lack of unity between husbands and wives. Each person gets so...

Titus Two

God has been so good. I have felt led to begin a ministry called Titus Two. It is still in the beginning phases but I have been given a passion that I find growing. The group is for young Christian woman and showing them ways and techniques to being Godly women. I want to do this through many different avenues such as budgeting, sewing, the use of coupons, baking,caring for children, communicating, and getting a better understanding of the word.  At first I was thinking the group would be for girls who are between the ages of 13 and 18 but it has turned out that God has already been moving it in a different direction. I have been led to reach out to two pregnant females. I love that God is using circumstances that I had gone through and is able to use it for His glory.    Titus 2:3-5 "Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. 4 Then they can urge the younger women to l...