
Leaving A Ripple

This week I have been focused on what faith is. Faith is a word that I have literally heard countless times in my life. On an average day I see, hear, and say the word hundreds of times.  Faith is the belief in God, in His word, and in His character.  Who is God? He is a triune God, one God in three persons (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit). He is the creator. He is omniscient (all knowing) , omnipotent (all powerful), and omnipresent (not bound by time and space). He is both just and loving. He is pure and Holy.  What is His word? His word is the Bible and is also the promises and covenants He made with His people. Since the fall of man God promised a redeemer that would crush the head of the serpent. He also made a covenant to never flood the entire earth again. The Bible tells us that God sent His son, Jesus as a sacrifice to atone for our sins. Jesus is God that came to earth in human form. The Holy Spirit indwells us when  we acce...


Today was a day of attack and victory.  This morning even waking up seemed to be difficult. My body was physically worn down. My eyes felt like little weights sat upon my eye lids. My joints ached and made the sounds of an old wood floor, creaking and cracking with each small movement. My energy was on its last bit of battery. In general it was a difficult day to begin with.  Abbie seemed to be under a bit of attack as well. She was extremely emotional and was crying throughout the day. She had an indecisiveness about everything and filled the air with grumbles and complaints. In general she was just unpleased with life.  Elizabeth must have stolen the energy that I was missing because she, like the Energizer Bunny, kept going and going and going and going and going. She was getting into everything. A trail of mess followed her everywhere along with screeching sounds of annoyance. She must have called me hundreds of times when I was sitting right there with her in h...

Liebster Award

Liebster Award... what the heck is that? I received a nomination from Shanita  and one from Angela  recently. So I decided to kind of look into it. It stands for Liebster is German for Favorite, so it is an award for favorite blogs. It is for bloggers that have less than 200 readers. It is like a getting to know you blog.  The steps are as follows:  1. State 11 random facts about yourself 2. Answer the 11 questions that the person who nominated you posted.  3. Make 11 question for other to answer. 4. Tag 11 bloggers that have less than 200 readers and notify them that you have chosen them.  5. No tag backs.... I appreciate the honor of being nominated so I will play along.  Random facts about Faith: 1. When my mom was pregnant with me she had a dream where God came to her and told her that if she has a girl she needs to name the baby F aith. She said she would if my father agreed. My dad was sure he was going to have a third son, ...

The Parable of the Personal Trainer

I woke up early, placed my tennis shoes on my feet, grabbed a healthy breakfast, and drove out to the gym to meet my p.t. (personal trainer). He was the owners son and it was very obvious that not only did he know what a person needed to do to get muscles and live a healthy life, he himself was the perfect example. He talked about his strict diet, his love of reaching and showing others the best way to live, his daily commitment to maintain what he set his goal as, and he definitely practiced what he preached. I did my research and chose him carefully. Having a p.t. came with a bit of a cost and I would have to have someone I could trust. So there I was talking with him and I asked him to make me stronger. I told him that I wanted to not be bound by things like junk food. I told him that I wanted to be like him. He looked at me and said, "Ok, if you want to be strong like me, then you need to start by jogging two miles." "I don't want to jog," I replied. He...

Friday Letters

Dear God,  I know that I usually end my letters with a note to you, but today I wanted to start with your letter because it is all I can think about. You are just so cool. I am always in awe of just how great and loving you are. Thank you. Thank you for blessing me with an amazing husband. Thank you for blessing me with two beautiful loving daughters. Thank you for this beautiful day. Thank you for answering my prayers little and big. Thank you for always comforting me and not letting me stay lost in my little world of stress and self-pity. Thank you for opening my eyes to all that you have done, are doing, and are about to do. Thank you for giving me an avenue that I can communicate my thoughts and feelings. Thank you for all the provisions you have made for me. Mostly, thank you for not giving up on me. There were so many times that I give up on myself and yet you were always right beside me.  Dear Elizabeth,  I think it is adorable that you are so ...

How NOT to Impress a Crush (Most Embarrassing Moment Part 2)

I recently did a post on my most embarrassing moment inspired by Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop. After writing it I had comments asking me to share the other embarrassing moment that I had mentioned in the other post. So here it goes... It was pretty bad.  During my sophomore year of high school there was a guy in my home room that I had a crush on. He was handsome, was in a band, and was funny. We shared the same group of friends. One night his parents were out of town and he was having a pool party at his house after his band preformed. It was going to be the coolest event. When we got there he showed all of the girls where we could go to change into our swim suits. I had the chance to change and joined everyone at the pool. It was the most fun time. Time went so quickly and soon I had to run before I missed my curfew. I threw my clothes on over my swimsuit, jumped in my car, and got home. I had a strange feeling that I had forgotten something but quickly dismissed it.   ...

God is in Control... Even on Election Day

Tomorrow is election day and this comes with great stress and great relief. I don't know who will be placed in authority over what. I don't know who our next president will be, I don't know what laws will be passed, and I don't know which local people will be representing who. The things I do know is that tomorrow there will be a lot of conflict. There will be a lot of fighting and  quarreling. Tomorrow will be a day of great stress and concern for many. Tomorrow night will also be a time of great divide in our country when one person will be elected and another will not. One thing I do know for certain is that God knows. Tomorrow nights results will come as no shock to God.  I do have a set of political beliefs but I do not openly discuss them, not out of fear of what some may say, but because I believe that my focus should be on unity with my brothers and sisters. I know strong Christians on both sides of the spectrum. I believe that this is their personal choice an...