Hydraulic Press

This week I collapsed under pressure. The weight of everything pressing down on me became too heavy to bear. Have you ever seen a hydraulic press? I find watching videos of them, especially in slow motion, almost majestic. As the press pushes down on something, the object either collapses or explodes. That's how this week was for me.

(Disclaimer: I am not a scientist and do not have any background in this so please don't take my word as being concrete and backed up by evidence, this is just an analogy that I am choosing from my observation.)

Collapsing vs. Exploding 
Things that are not as dense and solidified seem to collapse. Watching the videos, the items almost look liquified for a moment. It changes its shape based on the amount of pressure put on it.

Things that are more dense and solid seem to explode. The object has very little ability to adapt to the pressure and just projects outwardly.

Which am I?
When it comes to the world, I dont really want to be either. I want to be strong and to stand firm in what I know and believe.  I also don't want to explode and lose control. The problem is that I keep trying to face the pressure on my own. I don't go to my source of strength, God.

When it comes to God's will I want to be the collapsing type. I want to have a heart that is able to adjust to His will.

There is no way that I, or anyone can face the pressures of this world alone. We need God! He alone can protect us and use those things to shape us into the people He wants us to be.


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