From My Angels Angle
Take a moment to look at this angle chart below:

Many women have found that when taking a selfie the most flattering angle tends to be between 30° and 60° (also between 120° and 150°. This angle lessens the dreaded double chin, slims the figure, and makes all the difference in the world. It seems like such a silly little thing, but it is a big deal. Many of us already struggle to like or even to just tolerate our bodies, especially in reflections and pictures. We notice every little imperfection. We see the rolls, the pimples, the shape of our nose, and so many other things. So if that little difference in an angle changes how we feel about ourselves even in a tiny way, we do it.
I was looking through the pictures on my phone when I came upon two pictures that I hate! I found them absolutely embarrassing and horrifying to look at. I went to delete them when I came upon a couple realizations.
My first realization:
Charlie took these pictures and they are her artwork. Charlie took the time to choose what she wanted to have in the picture. She was capturing a moment that she thought was important and special. I would not want to make light of that. Even if I don't like the way I look in them, can I try to see them as her artwork?
My second realization:
This is the angle she lives every day. While I would never take a picture at any angle between 180° and 360°, that is exactly where she sees me from, and she still sees me as beautiful. To her, the angle makes no difference. I am her beautiful mommy, double chin and all. In these pictures she sees her mommy smiling and having fun. She also sees her mommy smiling down at her. This is the angle my angel lives at and that is ok... better yet, that is beautiful.
I wanted to immediately erase these pictures once I saw them because I saw through my own broken lenses and didn't see through her eyes of love. I think we do that a lot. When we limit our view from 360° to just 60°, we miss out on the beauty of these moments. You, my friend, are a whole lot more beautiful than 60°. You are far more beautiful than you might ever see yourself as.

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