The boxes around us

I don't fit in the box you place me in. For a long time I placed myself in the very same boxes and even in other boxes, but I have broken out of them.

I don't fit in the box you place me in. I am not just a statistic or a generalized definition of any of my characteristics or quirks.

I don't fit in the box you place me in. The boxes are beginning to feel to constrictive and sometimes they even cause me pain.

I don't fit in the box you place me in.

This last weekend I saw the boxes my husband gets placed into. His response made me so proud.

When we were at the bank signing up for a joint savings account the woman helping us was very kind. She applauded our parenting and the good behavior of our three daughters, at the same time she was shocked that we were married. We have the same last name, are at the same address, have our three children with us, and had wedding rings on. She asked us our marriage status, which would be general protocol. Her completely shocked and amazed reaction was not protocol. When she heard that we have been married for almost eleven years she was even more shocked. My husband and I just let it roll off as we do so many other times.

When we left the bank we went to Target. In the checkout lanes an employee walked right past my hubby to me to tell me what a great job I did teaching the children to be well behaved.

Lady: "Good job, mom. You did a great job teaching them manners."
My hubby responded by saying, "Excuse me. I had as much to do with it as she did."
Lady : "Sure you did. Everyone knows that the mom is the one who do all that."
Hubby: "No, we both do. I am there for them and teach them also."
Lady sarcastically: "Well congratulations on being an involved black man."

When leaving the store she apologized to him and he graciously accepted.
When we left I was so proud of him. He not only defended himself but also all black men.
I also felt a broken for him.

There are more boxes than there are people. For a long time I tried to fit in boxes: teen pregnancy, mental illness, dyslexic, overweight, and so many others. The boxes became so constricting until God broke the boxes open and showed me that his plans for me are too big for the boxes. When I go back to placing myself in a box I also end up placing God in a box, because that means I am not trusting Him and His plans.

So often we place ourselves, others, and God into false boxes. What boxes are you confined to? How did it feel to break free of a box.


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