
Showing posts from January, 2013

What Can I Say?

Dear friend of mine,  I know that you are facing a difficult time in your life. I know that things seem overwhelming, confusing, and hopeless. It can be so hard to see God's hand moving at this time.  I wish that telling you that God is in control would make it all better, but part of faith is choosing to believe even when you don't feel it. My heart aches for you. I truly wish I could take this pain from you or help you through this time. Your burden is on my heart and I will be praying for you. I truly believe in the power of prayer and can see God moving in the lives of others as they face times of trial. I love you and am there for you if you need me.  -Faith The last several years have been very turbulent in my life. God has shown me His grace and peace in these times but they were times of great trials. For the last week we have been in a time of peace. It has been a great relief. Sadly, as I am in this time I see all those I love around me in times of pain an...

From One Mother to Another

Tonight my heart is heavy with concerns for mothers who feel insecure, scared, and alone. I don't think that personal struggles are expressed openly in our society and I fear that it is causing more mothers to feel alone in their struggles. For example, postpartum depression is not often talked about amongst friends and yet it supposedly affects 11-20% of mothers. Personally, I wonder if the number would be higher if women did not feel guilt when admitting their struggles.  Let me start by saying that I truly feel that motherhood is an amazing gift from God. I am so blessed to have my children and wouldn't change a thing.  Now that I have said that, I am going to let you in on a dirty little secret. Motherhood is hard... actually it is not just hard. It is physically and emotionally exhausting. It is overwhelming, stressful, tedious, frustrating, painful, and the toughest things I have ever had to do. There are times that I am so overwhelmed that I can't decide whether ...