Living the Transparent Christian Life

Merriam Webster defines transparent as having the property of transmitting light without appreciable scattering bodies lying beyond are seen clearly. Living a transparent life is not easy. It requires a large amount of vulnerability and honesty with not only others but also with yourself. I think this can be especially difficult for people who wish to portray a particular image to others and some of the people who struggle the most of this are Christians. It can be so easy to try to put on a façade or a mask and try to pretend to be what you consider a good Christian to be. The devil uses our pain, shame, and guilt to keep us in a prison of isolation and lies. When I was in high school I began my battle with depression. I had become so good at acting like the happy-go-lucky Christian girl without any care in the world that even my closest friends and family had no idea how deep my pain was. It wasn’t until I could no longer bare the weight of the depression and began inflicting s...